Saturday, March 22, 2014



As we come to the end of this series we want to review some of the separations that have been discussed.  Isa.59:2 tells us that we are separated from our God because of sin in our lives.  When we become a Christian, that sin is forgiven and that previous separation from God is removed by Christ’s blood that was shed for us.  Heb.9:22   Now since we have been made new in Christ (Eph.4:22-24), just as God is separated from sin, so we must also be separated from sin (2 Cor.6:17) and the things of the world. 

The world seeks fortune and success in this life.  This is not the main goal of those in Christ.  Matt.6:33   Our goal is one that is much higher and everlasting.  As we grow in Christ we realize that the things of this life fade away.  Matt.6:19-21   We long for those things that bring us to our great hope of eternal life.  1 Jhn.5:13   Some day this separation from the things of the world will be worth it all.  1 Cor.2:9

As we think of separation, we note many contrasts in life.  Darkness which is depicted as sin verses Light which is our Lord.  Jhn.8:12   Those in darkness or sin hate the Light.  Jhn.3:20,21   What a contrast!

Another example was the blind verses those that can see.  Physically this is true but spiritually this contrasts those who cannot understand with those who understand.  Matt.13:13   It should be evident that we don’t follow the spiritually blind.  Matt.15:14   If we are separating ourselves from things of the world, we want to grow in knowledge and love.  Phil.1:9   Many other contrasts were made.

What about our desires?  Do we long for the newest, the best, the most popular, the things that those all around us want?  The problem comes when that becomes our greatest longing and we are unable to be content without those things.  Heb.13:5   This desire will separate those that only “think” they are following Christ but in reality they are serving themselves and robbing God.  Those that are sincerely trying to separate themselves and follow Jesus are hungry for spiritual things and not the material things that rust and fade away.  Matt.5:6  

The way we spend our time separates us from those of the world.  Eph.5:15-17   We find time to do the things that mean the most to us.  Entertainment seems to be the most important to the world.  Rather than pursuing the things that help us grow in Christ and then helping others that need us in some way, we spend our time all on ourselves with no regard of “redeeming the time for the days are evil.”  We snap up every opportunity to be used to the glory of the Lord.  1 Cor.10:31
Jesus left us an example of being separated from the world even though He ministered to them in many ways.  Heb.7:26   If we do not separate ourselves, the separation will be done for us but it will not be done in a good way for us.  Matt.25:32   Jesus prayed for us in that we would not be taken out of this physical world but that we would be kept from the evil one.  This is accomplished by our separating ourselves from the world.  This may be people, events, habits, attitudes—anything that determines who we really are.  Jhn.17:15   Do we spurn Jesus’ prayer?

Care must be taken of anything that would distract us or encumber us from this important separation from the world.  Heb.12:1   Too often we become as a child in the store with a parent and wants everything he sees.  We make money which we need to support ourselves/family and help others but we make money only to want more and more and it becomes a distraction.  We love others but there is this one person we can’t forgive, consequently, our love is nil.  1 Jhn.4:20   Distractions can come in many forms.  Here we have examples of attitude and worldly possession.  If we are a friend of the world, we become an enemy of God.  Jam.4:4  We need to keep this in perspective.

Jesus did not leave us alone in this matter of separating ourselves from the world.  He gave us the Holy Spirit to bring remembrance, to help us pray, to guide us in every way.  Jhn.14:26   We must be careful for we can quench the Holy Spirit; we can grieve the Holy Spirit; we can also resist the Holy Spirit.   We never want to be as those Stephen was talking to before he was stoned.  Acts 7:51   You are always against what the Holy Spirit is trying to tell you. (NCV)  Study and learn what the Scripture is telling us through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and the thoughts put into our mind as we pray.

Finally, as we separate ourselves from the world, may the world see that we have been with Jesus.  Acts 4:13   May we set aside self and distractions that would keep us from staying separated from the world and may our love for one another show the world that we are disciples of Jesus.  Jhn.13:35     

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